I’m always up for trying something new. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not so much. When a friend dropped me the address of a truly specialist cam site to check out, I wasn’t too sure. But it’s turned out one of those pleasantly surprised occasions.
The site caters to what can probably be best described as athletic camgirls. They include sporty types, ultra flexible girls, gym addicts, buff fitness babes, right up to seriously muscular female bodybuilders. The essential theme is this is a no fat zone. These girls are toned and tuned better than your fave muscle car.
It wasn’t that I was never in to buff girls before. More like they weren’t really something I’d thought about much. Now I’ve been checking out www.musclecamgirls.com for getting on a month, I can definitely see I’ve been missing out. I started hitting on the Sports Illustrated type fitness girls first. But I’ve definitely been working my way up to buffer and buffer ones.
At the top end of that, not all the hardcore female bodybuilder types are for me. But I’ve found a couple … I dunno, with my buds I’d probably make jokes about being scared they were gonna kick my ass. But privately, just between us, some of those muscle girls have got it going on. I’ve never seen clits like it in my life! Amazing!